This manual shows you how to perform transcoding-related operations in the Media Processing Service console.

Create storage bucket

Add your own storage bucket in the AuroraCloud console is needed if you want to store the output files in your own storage bucket.


  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pan, choose Outputs.

  3. Click + Create a output.

  4. Enter the storage related parameters in the Create a output dialog box.

    Storage typeThe name of cloud storage service.
    Currently, AWS S3, Ali OSS,Tencent COS and Ksyun KS3 are supported.
    RegionThe region where the cloud storage service is located.
    BucketThe name of your storage bucket.
    PrefixThe prefix of storage bucket path.
    Access KeyAccesskey ID of your storage bucket.
    Secret KeyAccesskey Secret of your storage bucket.
  5. Click Confirm.

Result verification

On Output storage page, you can see the storage bucket just created.


Manage storage bucket

The AuroraCloud console supports viewing and deleting storage bucket. This topic describes how to view and delete storage bucket.

View storage bucket

  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pan, choose Outputs.

  3. Click Detail on the row of the target storage bucket.


Delete storage bucket

You can delete unnecessary storage bucket in the AuroraCloud console.

  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pan, choose Outputs.

  3. Find the storage bucket you want to deleted.

  4. Click Delete on the row of the target storage bucket.


Create a custom transcoding template

A series of transcoding templates have been setup in the system as presets. You can also customize the transcoding templates as needed. This topic describes how to create customized transcoding templates.


  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Templates.

  3. Click + Create a template.

  4. Set related parameters.

    1. Set basic parameters.

      basic settings
      Preset NameThe name of transcoding template.
      Preset DescriptionThe description of transcoding template.
      Container FormatThe format of output video, value:
      • MP4 (default)
      • FLV
      • HLS


      • If Container Format is set to MP4 or FLV, go to the step ii. Set video parameter.

      • If Container Format is set to HLS, configure the following HLS-related parameters.

        basic settings
        HLS Seg TypeThe type of HLS segment, value:
        • mpegts
        • fmp4
        HLS Seg TimeThe length of the segment. It is recommended to set HLS Seg Time to an integer multiple of the seconds between adjacent keyframes.
        Adaptive StreamingThe switch of adaptives.


        • If the switch Adaptive Streaming keeps off, go to the step ii. Set video parameters.

        • If the switch Adaptive Streaming set to on, configure the following adaptive-related parameters, and go to the step iv. Set watermark parameters.

          Frame RateThe frame rate of output video, vaule: 0~60fps,0 indicates that keep the frame rate as source video.
          Audio CodecThe format of audio compression. Only AAC is support currently.
          Audio Sampling rateThe sampling rate of audio. Value:
          • 48k
          • 44.1k (default value)
          • 32k
          Audio ChannelsThe type of audio channels, value:
          • mono
          • stereo (default value)
          Add RepresentationVideo CodecThe video coding format of substream, value:
          • H.264
          • H.265
          • AV1
          QualityThe video coding quality of substream, vaule: 1~10, default value: 5.
          Resolution TypeThe resolution policy of substream, value:
          • Same as input: keep the resolution as source video
          • Fixed long side: enter the length of long side. The video is scaled proportionally to the length of the long side.
          • Fixed short side: enter the length of short side. The video is scaled proportionally to the length of the short side.
          Audio BitrateThe audio bitrate of substream, value:
          • 0 (keep the original audio bitrate)
          • 32
          • 48
          • 64
          • 96
          • 128
          • 256
    2. Set video parameters.

    Video CodecVideo encoding standard, value:
    • H.264
    • H.265
    • AV1
    QualityThe quality of encoding, value: 1~10, default value: 5.
    Frame RateThe frame rate of output video, value: 0~60, unit: fps.
    Resolution TypeThe policy of resolution, value:
    • Same as input: keep the resolution as source video
    • Fixed long side: enter the length of long side. The video is scaled proportionally to the length of the long side.
    • Fixed short side: enter the length of short side. The video is scaled proportionally to the length of the short side.
    1. Set audio parameters.

      Audio CodecThe format of audio compression. Only AAC is support currently.
      Audio Sampling rateThe sampling rate of audio. Value:
      • 48k
      • 44.1k (default value)
      • 32k
      Audio ChannelsThe type of audio channels. Value:
      • mono
      • stereo (default value)
      Audio BitrateThe bitrate of audio compression, value:
      • 0 (keep the original audio bitrate)
      • 32
      • 48
      • 64 (default value)
      • 96
      • 128
      • 256
    2. (Optional) Set watermark parameters.

      You can turn on the Text Watermark / Image Watermark switch and set watermark related parameters in Watermark Settings area when adding a watermark to the output file is needed.

      • Text watermark

        Turn on the text watermark switch to configure a text watermark for the output file.

        Text WatermarkThe switch of text watermark. Turn on the switch to configure a text watermark for the output file.
        ContentThe content of text watermark.
        Font ColorThe font color of text watermark.
        Font SizeThe font size of text watermark.
        Font TypeThe font type of text watermark.
        PositionThe area where the text watermark is displayed in the video screen. Divide the video screen into 12 zones from top to bottom, left to right: Top left, Top middle, Top right, Middle left, Centered, Middle right, Bottom left, Bottom middle, Bottom right.
        Horizontal OffsetThe offset of the text watermark in the horizontal direction, value: 0px~4096px.
        When Position is set to left side, the value of horizontal offset indicates the displacements that the text watermark moved horizontally from left to right.
        When Position is set to right side, the value of horizontal offset indicates the displacements that the text watermark moved horizontally from right to left.
        This parameter does not need to be set when Position is set to one of Top middle, Centered, or Bottom middle.
        Vertical OffsetThe offset of the text watermark in the vertical direction, value: 0px~4096px.
        When Position is set to upper side, the value of vertical offset indicates the displacements that the text watermark moved vertically from top to bottom.
        When Position is set to lower side, the value of vertical offset indicates the displacements that the text watermark moved vertically from bottom to top.
        This parameter does not need to be set when Position is set to one of Middle left, Centered, Middle right.
        Time IntervalThe time period when the text watermark is displayed.
        The image watermark is always displayed in the output video when leave the parameter unset.
      • Image watermark

        Turn on the image watermark switch to configure a text watermark for the output file.

        Image WatermarkThe switch of image watermark. Turn on the switch to configure a image watermark for the output file.
        Image URLThe path where the image is located.
        PositionThe area where the image watermark is displayed in the video screen. Divide the video screen into 12 zones from top to bottom, left to right: Top left, Top middle, Top right, Middle left, Centered, Middle right, Bottom left, Bottom middle, Bottom right.
        Vertical OffsetThe offset of the image watermark in the vertical direction, value: 0px~4096px.
        When Position is set to upper side, the value of vertical offset indicates the displacements that the image watermark moved vertically from top to bottom.
        When Position is set to lower side, the value of vertical offset indicates the displacements that the image watermark moved vertically from bottom to top.
        This parameter does not need to be set when Position is set to one of Middle left, Centered, Middle right.
        Horizontal OffsetThe offset of the image watermark in the horizontal direction, value: 0px~4096px.
        When Position is set to left side, the value of horizontal offset indicates the displacements that the image watermark moved horizontally from left to right.
        When Position is set to right side, the value of horizontal offset indicates the displacements that the image watermark moved horizontally from right to left.
        This parameter does not need to be set when Position is set to one of Top middle, Centered, or Bottom middle.
        SizeThe size of image watermark.
        If this parameter is not set, the size of the watermark displayed in the video is the same as the size of the source image; if only the width or height is set, the size of the watermark displayed in the video is scaled proportionally to the source image.
        Time IntervalThe time period when the text watermark is displayed.
        The image watermark is always displayed in the output video when leave the parameter unset.
  5. Click Create.

Result verification

In the Templates page, you can see the customized transcoding template that has just been created.


Manage transcoding template

The AuroraCloud console supports viewing, modifying and deleting customized transcoding templates. This topic describes how to view, modify and delete customized transcoding templates.

View template

  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Templates.

  3. Find the target template in the templates list.

  4. Click Detail in the Actions column.


Modify template

  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Templates.

  3. Find the target template in the templates list.

  4. Click Edit in the Actions column.

  5. Modify related parameter displayed in Edit a template page.

    Note: For the detail about related parameters, see [Create a custom transcoding template](#Create a custom transcoding template).

Delete template

  1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Templates.

  3. Find the target template in the templates list.

  4. Click Delete in the Actions column.


Create a transcoding task

This topic describes how to create a transcoding task in AuroraCloud console.


  1. Log in to the media process service console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Tasks.

  3. Click + Create a New Task.

  4. In the Input area, configure the input information.

    AuroraCloud supports three ways to configure the input parameters. Choose one of the following ways as needed.

    • Click Video Url, and enter the video URL in the Input file text box.

    • Click Upload Url,and upload local video file.

    • Click Sample Video, select one of sample videos from Sample drop-down list.

  5. Select the transcoding template in the Template area.

    i. Click Select.


    ii. Select the transcoding template type and the corresponding target template, and click Submit.

    Template TypeThe type of transcoding template, value:
    • Custom: customized templates.
      Note: If the preset templates do not meet your requirements, you can create a customized transcoding template.
    • Predefined: preset templates.
    TemplateTemplate NameThe name of transcoding template.
    Container FormatThe format of output video.
    CodecEncoding standards.
    ResolutionThe resolution of output video.
    Template DescriptionThe Description of template.
    Trans ModeTrans mode, value:
    • adaptive
    • normal
    • Select the storage bucket for output video in the Output area, and set the file name of output video.

      i. Click Select.


      ii. Select the storage bucket and click Submit.


      iii. Enter the name of output file in the Output Filename text box with file extension.

    • Click Create to create transcoding task.

    Result verification

    On the Tasks page of AuroraCloud console, you can see the status of transcoding task just created. It is successful when Status column shows succeeded.


    View the detail of a transcoding task

    AuroraCloud supports viewing and deleting transcoding tasks. This topic describes how to view and delete transcoding tasks.


    1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

    2. In the left navigation pan, choose Tasks.

    3. Search for the target transcoding task.

      • Search by time.

        Set the time range, and click Search.

      • Search by transcoding task ID.

        Select Serach By ID in the drop-down list of search type , and then fill in the text box with the task ID. Then click Search.

      • Search by status.

        Select the status in Status drop-down list, transcoding tasks that match the desired statu are automatically displayed.

    4. Click Details in the row of target transcoding task.

      On details page, you can view the basic information, the transcoding template used, and the settings related to the output of the transcoding task.

    Usage statistics

    The AuroraCloud console supports to view usage data during specified period.

    1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

    2. In the left navigation pan, choose Analytics.


    Account Security Settings

    You need to create an AccessKey for your account, which is used to verify the identity when calling the AuroraCloud API.


    AccessKey includes AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret.

    • AccessKey ID: AccessKey ID used to identify the user.

    • AccessKey Secret:AccessKey Secret used to authenticate the user.

      Notice: AccessKey Secret is confidential.


    1. Log in to AuroraCloud console.

    2. Click the icon of account at the top right of the page, click User Center.

    3. Click + Create an Access Key on the displayed page。

    4. The Create an Access Key dialog box is displayed, and click Download Access Key.

      Note: Access Key will displays once, please download it promptly. Access Key is confidential, please do not disclose it.

    5. Close Create an Access Key dialog box.

    Result verification

    In the Access Keys area of the User Center page, you can see the Access key that has just been created.


    Follow-up operations

    You can disable the Access key by clicking Disable or delete the Access key by clicking Delete on the row where the target Access key is located on User Center page as needed.
